Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Matthew Harrison House of My Fathers Walther's Breakdown  Bach Edition, Vol. 4 - Cantatas, Vol. 1 [Disc 1]  
 2. American Bach Soloists American Bach Soloists - JS Bach Cantatas - Volume IV - Early Cantatas for Holy Week - [complete Magnatune album]  JS Bach Cantatas - Volume IV - Early Cantatas for Holy Week  
 3. American Bach Soloists American Bach Soloists - JS Bach Cantatas - Volume IV - Early Cantatas for Holy Week - [complete Magnatune album]  JS Bach Cantatas - Volume IV - Early Cantatas for Holy Week  
 4. American Bach Soloists American Bach Soloists - JS Bach Cantatas - Volume V - More Cantatas from Muehlhausen and Weimar - [complete Magnatune album]  JS Bach Cantatas - Volume V - More Cantatas from Muehlhausen and Weimar  
 5. American Bach Soloists American Bach Soloists - JS Bach Cantatas - Volume V - More Cantatas from Muehlhausen and Weimar - [complete Magnatune album]  JS Bach Cantatas - Volume V - More Cantatas from Muehlhausen and Weimar  
 6. American Bach Soloists American Bach Soloists - JS Bach Cantatas - Volume III - Cantatas from Muehlhausen and Weimar - [complete Magnatune album]  JS Bach Cantatas - Volume III - Cantatas from Muehlhausen and Weimar  
 7. American Bach Soloists American Bach Soloists - JS Bach Cantatas - Volume III - Cantatas from Muehlhausen and Weimar - [complete Magnatune album]  JS Bach Cantatas - Volume III - Cantatas from Muehlhausen and Weimar  
 8. American Bach Soloists Duet - Mein Freund ist mein  JS Bach Cantatas - Volume VI - Favorite Cantatas  
 9. American Bach Soloists Komm in mein Herzenshaus  JS Bach Cantatas - Volume VI - Favorite Cantatas  
 10. American Bach Soloists American Bach Soloists - JS Bach Cantatas - Volume I - Solo Cantatas - [complete Magnatune album]  JS Bach Cantatas - Volume I - Solo Cantatas  
 11. American Bach Soloists Das Blut so meine Schuld durchstreicht  JS Bach Cantatas - Volume VI - Favorite Cantatas  
 12. American Bach Soloists Duet - Wenn kommst du mein Heil  JS Bach Cantatas - Volume VI - Favorite Cantatas  
 13. American Bach Soloists Recitative - So geh herin zu mir  JS Bach Cantatas - Volume VI - Favorite Cantatas  
 14. American Bach Soloists Aria and Chorale - Alles was von Gott geboren  JS Bach Cantatas - Volume VI - Favorite Cantatas  
 15. American Bach Soloists Chorale - Und wenn die Welt voll Teufel war  JS Bach Cantatas - Volume VI - Favorite Cantatas  
 16. American Bach Soloists American Bach Soloists - JS Bach Cantatas - Volume VI - Favorite Cantatas - [complete Magnatune album]  JS Bach Cantatas - Volume VI - Favorite Cantatas  
 17. American Bach Soloists American Bach Soloists - JS Bach Cantatas - Volume I - Solo Cantatas - [complete Magnatune album]  JS Bach Cantatas - Volume I - Solo Cantatas  
 18. The Sarasa Ensemble Weichet nur betrubte Schatten Aria  Bach Cantatas  
 19. The Sarasa Ensemble Weichet nur betrubte Schatten Aria  Bach Cantatas  
 20. The Sarasa Ensemble Weichet nur betrubte Schatten Aria  Bach Cantatas  
 21. The Sarasa Ensemble Liebster Jesu mein Veriangen Choral  Bach Cantatas  
 22. The Sarasa Ensemble Weichet nur betrubte Schatten Aria  Bach Cantatas  
 23. The Sarasa Ensemble Liebster Jesu mein Veriangen Duet  Bach Cantatas  
 24. The Sarasa Ensemble Weichet nur betrubte Schatten Aria  Bach Cantatas  
 25. The Sarasa Ensemble Ich Habe Genug Aria  Bach Cantatas  
 26. The Sarasa Ensemble Ich Habe Genug Aria  Bach Cantatas  
 27. The Sarasa Ensemble Ich Habe Genug Aria  Bach Cantatas  
 28. The Sarasa Ensemble Ich Habe Genug Recitative  Bach Cantatas  
 29. The Sarasa Ensemble Weichet nur betrubte Schatten Aria  Bach Cantatas  
 30. The Sarasa Ensemble Liebster Jesu mein Veriangen Recitative  Bach Cantatas  
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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